It would be nice to have iFly supply progressive taxi instructions while on the airport using RealView.
I would envision that we could call up a iFly form generated for that airport with the various runways listed across the top, and below in alphabetical order, below that would be the list of runways again, all would have selectable boxes/buttons next to them. Runways would have "Hold Short" and "Cross" boxes, Taxiways would have "Via" or "Hold Short" boxes.
As the taxi instructions are read, we would touch the runway at the top, then the listed taxiways in the order specified by the controller, then touch any runway instructed to hold short of, or cross.
iFly would generate a text of the Taxi instructions for us to read back to the controller to verify we got everything correct.
At the same time iFly would analyze and plot the taxi path on the RealView map, and alert if it discovers any error, such as taxiing across any runway.
I'm sure this would take a bit more thought and refinement, but that's the idea.