I've found another workaround for printing iFly NavLogs. This is NOT A GOOD workaround, but it might give someone some better ideas:
1. Create a flight plan in iFly.
2. Make a screenshot of it--or several screenshots if it's too long for one.
3. Open the screenshot in an OCR app. I used OCRApp.app (by LEAD Technologies) on my Mac and recommend it because it worked. Other OCR apps might work as well or better.
4. Have the OCR app auto-zone the page. (It should draw boxes around blocks of text.)
5. Have it Recognize the text. If all goes well, you'll get every bit of text in the iFly flight plan, in the order it appears in iFly
6. Delete the parts you don't want, and use the Return and Tab keys to make the format readable.
7. Print it out or send it to your personal "flight plan" person.

Here's the text, ready for printing:
VFR: KFCI to KJGG via K2G6
132° mag
+ 10.0 nm 0.66 mins 0.66 gals
= 10.0 0:08 0.66
109° mag
+ 6.3 0:05 0.42
= 16.3 0:13 1.09
110° mag
+ 24.2 0:19 1.61
= 40.4 0:32 2.7
As I said at the start, it's not a good workaround--would be a lot quicker just to type it all out manually. I'm just hoping to encourage AP to add a way to export nav logs from within iFly, by email, wifi, text, or magic.