So, I know I've asked about this before. Since that was back in November and since the external elements of the VP window remain unchanged, I'm asking again.
I like the size of the full up VP window in Tablet Mode. It's large enough to see the detail you need to see when you're dodging rocks.
But as you can see in the screen shot, the elements take up a lot of room, even on a big, high res tablet. (More than 50% of the horizontal.) Sometimes it's not a problem, in that you can still see your flight. Other times it is a problem, in that it blocks your flight. Especially for those pilots who have two rows of Instruments. (Yeah, I know I've got the VP in a dumb position. After I took the screen shot, I moved it to the upper left. But the bottom right corner still obscured an important section of my flight.)

So another proposed mock up. Basically the idea, as before, is text to icons to get the box down to 50% of screen.
As for icons, we already know what "+" and "-" do from the +,- zoom buttons on the chart proper. The third button would use the ubiquitous "gear" icon for "settings/configuration" (which some pilots here wanted to keep with the window, even tho settings for terrain are found in Setup). "X" is close.
The window itself would have to be draggable to move around the screen without a Title Bar, which it already is. (Obviating the need for a Title Bar. But since "Vertical Profile" might be important from a trade mark/marketing perspective, perhaps the words could could be put in vertically aligned on the right side of the VP map?)
If there's a compelling reason why the text buttons need to stay, then Plan B is a request that 1) the window is changed so that it can be moved off screen a bit, past the button boundary, so that the VP can be slid even further to the right if it needs to be. And 2) that the buttons automatically jump to the left side of the window when the VP is on the left half of the screen so that, similarly, the buttons can be "cheated" off the screen on that side too. This would allow a little more room to see the flight.
If neither of the above, then Plan C: shrink the whole thing just a bit?