I was surprised, on a practice approach, to see my approach plate slowly get a case of the 'measles' as I descended during the approach.
Little red obstacle warnings were dotting themselves across my approach plate. This became not only distracting, but it impacted the readability of the plate as the round circles were obliterating detail.
On departure, as height was gained, my viral outbreak slowly disappeared until there were no red dots before my eyes. On closer examination however, artifacts of those little red circles were still there, right were the diagrams of the obstacle on the plate are.
In some cases, these artifacts just take out part of the inverted 'V' shape on the plate, and make it less visible. In other cases they take out letters or even worse, parts of the frequency digits or morse code identifiers. Is there a way to stop the little red circles of obstacle 'warnings' appearing on approach plates? (Terrain Alerts were disabled) .
With thanks,Ian