On something of a lighter note (while we wait at the gate for V.60. ;-) ) I managed to drop the nut on the back of the mounting ball that slides in to the Ram Yoke Mount on my iFly in our old Beechslap Mouseketeer. Must have fallen into a black hole...
To make a short story long, you can get these lil critters from www.ram-yokes.com online - at least that the theory, but in practice I ended up calling 'em. They're only 70-cents each so I got 10 and am sending a few up to Ed in customer support. By the time I got shipping and taxes and whatever, something like $11 bucks for 10 nuts or so. Which leads me to my suggestion of the day:
Don't loose your nuts!
George N7912L/ www.urbansurvival.com :