Power drops out when using the cigarette lighter plug

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HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsiFly Owners Q&AiFly Owners Q&APower drops out when using the cigarette lighter plugPower drops out when using the cigarette lighter plug
New Post
10/2/2018 11:46 PM


While flying yesterday my 740 went blank. I could not restore power to the unit.  I took it home to investigate.  When using a cigarette lighter recpticle it lights up for about 5 seconds and then drops out.  I tried it with two 740 cigarette lighter power cords.  Same thing with both cords.  I also checked the cirgarette lighter receptical with another GPS and it worked fine.  However when I use the power cord that plugs into the wall, and directly into the unit, the unit powers up and stays powered up.  It will also power up on the internal batteries.  I have no idea why it won't stay powered up when using a cigarette lighter receptical.

I would appreciate any suggestions.  Thank you.


New Post
10/3/2018 8:34 PM

I don't have any ideas other than the obvious: clean the contacts of the cigarette lighter adapter, and the power plug as much as possible, but I have a question.  When you say 5 seconds, do you mean it never gets even close to booting up, or it stops 5 seconds after it completely boots up and the iFly program starts? 

My 740 starts with the Adventure Pilot screen, then goes to the WinCE screen for a bit, then the Adventure pilot screen again, then the actual iFly program is displayed.  This all takes a minute or so. 

New Post
10/5/2018 12:01 AM

Thanks Mike for the suggestions.  When I power the 740 up with the cigarette lighter power cord, the unit powers up and the screen comes on.Then the screen goes blank just before it goes to the option screen.  Sometimes it will begin to play music before it goes blank.  I have pulled the power cord out of the unit after it went blank and checked the output of the power cord with a volt/ohm meter and it reads a steady 12 volts.  I've done this several times on both cigarette lighter power cords that I own.  One is brand new.    The cigarette lighter receptical is fine because I have a Garmin 295 that powers up on it and runs fine.  Like I said, the 740 powers up and and runs perfect when it is connected to the wall receptical and directly to the 740.  It will also run perfect on the 740 internal battery.  It is really confusing.

It is hard to believe that both cigarette light power cords would caus the same problem. I may order a new power cord anyway.  And also even though I read 12 volts at the output end of the cords, is it possible that the fuses may be causing the problem?  Kinda seems ridiculous, but worth a try I guess.  If the fuses are too small to cary the amperage, that would not show up in a volt/ohm test.

I was hoping that somepne on the forum might have had the same problem .  I talked to iFly technical support and he didn't have a clue.  Actually I not sure that I explaned it good enough.  He just wanted me to send it in.

New Post
10/5/2018 12:48 AM

I would send in in for repair.  Use a tablet or phone until you get it back.

New Post
10/28/2018 7:13 AM

This seems to be an ongoing problem. I have had simular experiences with my old 700. I just upgraded to the 740b last week but have not had the opportunity to try it yet.

HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsiFly Owners Q&AiFly Owners Q&APower drops out when using the cigarette lighter plugPower drops out when using the cigarette lighter plug