I have a D10A not a D100, most likely the same issue as I had.
My Dynon already had a DB9 connected to it, as used for software updates to the Dynon. This plug has both pins 2 and 3 connected to the EFIS. Pin 3 is input to EFIS; Pin 2 is EFIS Out; Pin 5 is ground.
On the iFly Pin 3 is GPS out, Pin 2 is In. So on paper it all sounds goods 3>3, 2>2, 5>5. I got one of the iFly USB to serial adaptes and simply plugged the two together. No joy. Didn't work.
Turns out the whataever the EFIS is putting out on Pin 2 is confusing the iFly as to what is actually attached on the serial port and I got no nmea ., I clipped pin 2 off of the iFly usb to serial adapter so that it couldn't receive whatver the EFIS was sending and everything immediately worked. AP suggested I do it the other way around that is remove the pin from the plug on the EFIS end but since that plug does double duty for EFIS updates I didn't want to do that.
Regardless - Once I snipped pin2 off so that the connection is purely one way it worked.
Here's the post from when we figured this out originally:
Alasdair |
Posts: 87
Walter - Sorry for the confusion. No was just to make the point that all I wanted/needed was one way from the GPS. Anyway, I clipped pin 2 off of the ifly supplied USB/Serial cable and it instantly worked. Everything is where is should be HSI on the EFIS, Maps on the GPS. Love it. I used the sim...