Here's another oddity I've noticed since updating my OS. (It may instead correspond to my update to v6.0.8 of the software, but I don't think I ever saw it until after updating to v2.0.4 of the OS as part of my SkyRadar troubleshooting.)
Occasionally, when I try to select the "Zoom In" on the screen, instead of zooming the screen will make an aborted attempt to draw the "Options" box that appears when you tap an arbitrary location on the map. See example below:

This happened once during flight, and after wildly tapping around the lower right corner of the screen, I finally got it to zoom properly and it behaved normally after that.
I was just setting up the iFly for a flight tonight, though, and it happened again. This time, no amount of tapping anywhere on the screen seemed to resolve the problem. I had to reboot the device to get it to act normally again.
This is not just a screen calibration issue...this is some sort of bug. When it happens, the "Options" box is malformed, as shown in the screenshot above. (The "Options" box appears normally if I click elsewhere on the map during this only appear malformed when I press the Zoom In button.)
Has anyone else experienced this behavior?
It just happened again, this time on the Low Altitude Enroute chart. I was trying to zoom in, and instead of zooming it was panning the screen to the left (i.e., the visible section of the map moved off to the east, and I was now seeing an area west of what I was interested in). It was also displaying the mal-formed Options box.
Thinking there might be some feature I hadn't noticed before, where you could tap near the edge of the screen and have the map shift by a big chunk, I tried tapping the left edge of the screen. This time, the map did not move, but again I got a mal-formed "Options" box, and it was anchored on the RIGHT side of the screen (see attachment below):

Curiouser and curiouser....