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New Post
11/3/2011 11:49 PM

Walter, I flew today with the "TFR and Weather" updated today and I received all the weather stuff just like magic. The weather in Southern Cal was still severe clear so could not test the NexRad portion of the weather. Just to tease the east coast members, it was 80 degrees here in the desert and 78 at Chino.

New Post
11/4/2011 9:00 AM

Walter/Shane: I am waiting for my SD card from you guys to have the proper software in my IFly. Looking into the last conversation on this thread, Walter stated that you have to upload the weather/metars in the update because there is some code that you located in the weather update necessary for the skyradar. I specifically never upload the weather because I don't feel is very useful for me. However, I have just installed the latest weather/metars to pick up that code. If I had not read through the thread, my skyradar would not have worked, even with the new flash code installed because I did not have recent weather.

Is there any other detail missing from a software perspective that we need to know to have a complete system ready for the skyradar for S/N MB9C?

My suggestion is that you publish a list and place it as an appendix to the user's manual that specifies step by step all the necessary configurations for the different IFly serial numbers so that the users can verify that their particular system is set up properly with the correct software versions to receive the skyradar hardware.

Right now, the only way to figure out everything you need in for the Skyradar to work is to read through all the different Skyradar threads. I have noticed that you have answered the same question more than once. Maybe with an appendix to the user's manual, you can just reference it instead of having to answer questions multiple times. In addition, the users would have a complete picture of what is necessary before they receive the new hardware.

New Post
11/5/2011 7:21 PM

Alberto, great thoughts - we will certainly add an ADSB section to our manual with step by step instructions. For now, keep an eye on this and other threads to keep current on the latest developments. But I think you should be good to go.


Walter Boyd
President, Adventure Pilot
New Post
11/8/2011 10:53 AM
I got the os update installed on my ifly - and now it connects to the skyradar. But it's still not working properly.

Attached is 3 photos:
1 - shows screen pic of ifly
2 - shows screen shot of ifly status
3 - screen pic of my ipod attached to the skyradar via wifi

The ifly was receiving nexrad but the pictures were all blocky and not complete. It was missing sections on the map.
The ipod had a higher resolution pic that was not missing any sections.

The ifly was receiving pireps and winds data but no TAFS/Metars - although the status shows they were received you could not get a report on any airport for TAFS/Metars
The ipod had data (TAFs/Metars) for every airport in the area - You can see from the screenshot how they are colored to correspond with MVFR/VFR/IFR etc

So: The Skyradar is receiving data since the ipod is showing the data received
The IFLY is not interpreting all the data and only showing small bits.

Yes, this was done on the ground - but the ipod showed the data so it's not a lack of receiving data.

Also - Yesterday I flew around the area for two hours - it was extreme clear so no NEXRAD but the ifly showed -0- tafs/metars while the ipod continued to show all the info.

New Post
11/8/2011 10:16 PM


Your first picture doesn't look like any IFly700 screen I have ever seen. Could it be a screen shot of the IPad with Foreflight or some other app?

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