I just returned from my first flight with the Radenna unit mated to my iFly 700. I simply attached the rubber-ducky antenna to the Skyrader box, connected it to a 3-input 12v power "expander", joined the iFly to the Skyradar with the USB connector, and ground-checked them. I didn't attend very closely to what sequece I powered them up, just started them simultaneously. On the iFly, I immediately noticed a new button for playback of the radar imaging, and thought that was a good sign. I then powered down, tidied up the wiring a bit with bread-ties (pending something cleaner using tie-wraps), and pre-flighted.
On takeoff, and passing 800 feet or so as the VOR's woke up, I watched to see if anything interesting happened on the iFly. Alas, it was severe clear as far out as I could zoom, so there was no observable weather on the Mode for weather display, nor was there any observable traffic, or alerts for traffic, which isn't surprising around here, BUT all the available METARS and Terminal Forecasts were current and updated. I'd not downloaded an update to the iFly prior to launching, so, clearly the Skyradar was receiving ADS-B data, and the iFly was coherently displaying it where you'd expect to find it. Just touch an airport until it's selected, and select the weather information choice for that station. Bang, fresh METARS.
My Comanche happens to have a lightning detector display that I bought new from a wretched Canadian outfit which shall not be spoken of. Because of that instrument's poor design, after a little over a year of using it, I had to replace the gas plasma display with an "upgrade" LED display for about the same dollars spend on the iFly 700 + Radenna's Skyradar. The value in this combination for situational awareness, and now current weather data and imaging, well, ...wow. Just wow. I am beyond impressed.