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New Post
10/22/2011 11:46 AM

I can understand the anxious feeling of jliltd. Without getting both devices working together, I have what amounts to one expensive paperweight.
I followed in Cobra's footsteps last week and called AP tech support early Monday. The response was: "let us look into this, it appears to be the OS. If that is the case, we will ship you and updated flash card. In either case, you will hear back from us." 5 business days, two more phone calls and an email later, still no reply.
All my previous experiences with the AP has been overly positive ones. I would say that their customer support is among the best.It is also understanding that they probably got swapped with phone calls, once people started calling in about SkyRadar. That is the reason I did not want to bug them too much: let them sort this out and come up with the solution.
Still some kind of response would be nice:
- Yes we are shipping you the card
- No, we don't think your OS is affected, please try ____
- Hang on, let us looking into this more, we will get back to you in ____ days/weeks/years

Reading the forum a lot of people saying: "yep talked to them, the OS is on the way". I guess, I will try calling on Monday again. The only person who got the SkyRadar working outside the AP, did it after receiving an OS update with USB drivers according to posts on the forum.


New Post
10/23/2011 1:12 PM

Here is a post on another ADS-B thread. I'll post to move that thread here since this is really a Owner Forum post.

We are working with SkyRadar and internally testing. I have spoken with Alexey at SkyRadar and Walter will also be back in the office on Monday so we should be able to dig a little deeper. We hope to know more or have a resolution this week. We are sorry for the frustrations and we thank you for your patience. This is, dare I say, almost equally as frustrating to us, as we have not been able to reproduce this issue so we are working somewhat in the blind. I have requested a new unit from SkyRadar so we can test the exact same batch most of you have, even though there are only minor changes, maybe we'll find something. Plus we are seeing a various range of OS and iFly serial numbers successfully connect.

If you are able to connect without the Driver Message, here is how you can confirm a connection. Once the SkyRadar is connected, you can touch Menu -> Other -> Connected Devices and you would see the SkyRadar connected here with all it's connect detail. Also, you should see Weather (Pre-Flight) on the Mode Menu, change to Weather (ADS-B Live or Idle). Additionally, a data stream will typically take some altitude to start receiving the stream since ADS-B is a ground based transmission system. This altitude will vary depending on your distance from a ADS-B broadcast site.

Just to be sure. Make sure you are plugging your powered on SkyRadar into your iFly with the power on. It can take a few minutes for the serial connection to be established. If you are seeing the "Unrecognized Driver Error", it likely won't establish and we will have a fix shortly. The driver is in the OS of the iFly, not the SkyRadar. In talking with SkyRadar, the driver is not resident on the SkyRadar, we have loaded it on the iFly several updates ago, so I don't see downloading a driver would fix this. That is the odd part as SkyRadar insures us they have not changed the driver or USB setup. Again, we apologize for the inconvenience and this will be resolved shortly.

As for the 5pin USB Mini-B cable. SkyRadar was not able to give me specifics on the cable other than a 5 pin Mini USB type B cable. Also, this is the most common Mini USB cable available in most stores. The biggest concern here is that a specialty cable from a camera or mobile device may not work. I have asked for more cable details from Alexey as well. We don't suggest a "buy and try method", but at this time we don't have any other spec on the needed SkyRadar cable. Just that if you are using a USB cable from a camera or mobile device, that this could possible be one problem, though not a guarantee. Some of these cable are specialty and some are not. More on this once we have more details. Thanks again for your support and have a great weekend.

Shane Woodson
Vice President | Adventure Pilot LLC.
New Post
10/23/2011 1:16 PM

Here is some information on another thread. I'll see if wer can move that thread over to this one on Monday. Please keep posting on this thread in the Owners Forum.


Shane Woodson
Vice President | Adventure Pilot LLC.
New Post
10/28/2011 5:58 PM

It works! I received the new SD card from AP today and installed the new OS into my iFly. Now the iFly and SkyRadar play well together. My serial no. starts with MB030 and the new OS is 3.0.11 (old version was 3.0.0). Oh happy day.

Thanks to AP for the great support and OS update.

New Post
10/29/2011 8:10 PM
Okay. So took the now talking iFly on a round robbin trip from ELP to CNM and general lollygagging. The iFly saw the SkyRadar but there was nothing available for most of the flight until about 30 miles from ELP I got one NOTAM from a 737 at FL 30 or something. No METARs, TAFs, Nexrad, or whatever.
I am going to try again tomorrow with an iPod touch running along side the iFly for comparison. Should have thought about bringing the iPod today. Will repost and advise after that test.

Shouldn't we be able to see METARS and winds aloft as long as we have ADS-B radio coverage?
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