Move custom waypoints from iPad to 740? - iFly Owners Q&A

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HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsiFly Owners Q&AiFly Owners Q&AMove  custom waypoints  from iPad to 740?Move custom waypoints from iPad to 740?
New Post
8/2/2019 4:29 PM
When you sync iFly devices (iFly, phone, tablet), you get to choose from which device and to which device. Also, you choose what items you want to sync and what items not to sync. It's a really easy process. As far as removing your iFly device from the airplane, I'm suggesting you use your cellphone hotspot while sitting in your airplane to connect your iFly device to the internet (on the ground, of course).
New Post
8/2/2019 6:57 PM
Tim Taylor wrote:
.......... As far as removing your iFly device from the airplane, I'm suggesting you use your cellphone hotspot while sitting in your airplane to connect your iFly device to the internet (on the ground, of course).
Thanks for that, Tim!! It falls into my "now, why didn't I think of that" wink bag.
And thanks for the education on sync's behavior.


HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsiFly Owners Q&AiFly Owners Q&AMove  custom waypoints  from iPad to 740?Move custom waypoints from iPad to 740?