A question about lost forum posts history connected to my member

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HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsiFly Owners Q&AiFly Owners Q&AA question about lost forum posts history connected to my membershipA question about lost forum posts history connected to my membership
New Post
9/17/2018 1:00 PM

Recently I was searching for an old (maybe two or three year old) thread in the wishlist. I searched under "my threads" and "my posts" and noticed that there were  fewer than I really had posted and engaged on.


Offhand it looks like the problem is related to the fact that the forum shows "Joined: 3/21/2017" for me, when in fact I've been making myself a nuisense here since about 2012 under the same ID "ComputerDoc." So it looks like my membership has been disconnected from anything prior to that date.

If I remember right there was some sort of Forum redesign back around that date, and I had to start logging in under my email address instead of an ID I had previously used.

1) Can you confirm that I'm analyzing the problem correctly?

2) More important..... is there any way for you to fix it so when I use "My threads" or "My posts" I can see my older ones?


Thanks for your time and help.


New Post
9/17/2018 1:09 PM

We changed Forum software in March of last year, so when we switched over, everyone technically got new accounts for the new forum. We tried to make them link to the old ones, but no such luck. Sorry.

New Post
9/18/2018 5:24 PM

Google is your friend.  Try typing:

computerdoc site:http://www.iflygps.com/Support/Forum

into a Google search box.  To narrow down further, use more keywords in addition to your username.

For example, such a search pulls up this post from 2014:


HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsiFly Owners Q&AiFly Owners Q&AA question about lost forum posts history connected to my membershipA question about lost forum posts history connected to my membership