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HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsiFly Owners Q&AiFly Owners Q&AWifi on 720 ocassionally  fails to initially  connect to NAvworx600EXPWifi on 720 ocassionally fails to initially connect to NAvworx600EXP
New Post
12/20/2017 5:43 PM

I'm having these same issues. Most of it seems associated with the "pre" wifi's. How do you get the 740 to forget them over a power cycle? I can disconnect  each one and it works, but cycling the power brings back the password memory and they're all back. I would like to take them down before I put the 740 back in the plane and have to redo them every time I start the plane. BTW, I've got the UAvionix UAT in my plane.




New Post
12/22/2017 9:16 AM

 Bob, Ive  mode the same transition over to the ECHO  and EXT antenna. So the " NW 600EXP is no longer a problem" . Have been getting good  solid connection from the 720  to the ECHO , and can say I haven't  looked at the WiFi page lately to see if there are a list of " PRE" wifi there or not. I ll look next time after this WX  clears up.

HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsiFly Owners Q&AiFly Owners Q&AWifi on 720 ocassionally  fails to initially  connect to NAvworx600EXPWifi on 720 ocassionally fails to initially connect to NAvworx600EXP