Jim Mantyla wrote:I noticed that the iFly online store has the Sky Guard ADSB system for sale. Does any one have any feedback on this unit versus any others? It seems a bit more spendy than the Sky Radar unit and this isn't a problem if it is significantly better.
Just wondering.
Jim: I flew with 7.6.14 on my 720 and a SkyGuardTWX for 1.2 hours today and everything worked FLAWLESSLY. I did a lot of maneuvering, changed map modes a lot, changed flight plans/destinations, a lot of screen touches, and never had a glitch of any kind. I did see traffic (the blinking blue tringle stood out fine in Weather mode, but I did not check to see the traffic triangle with a sectional or TAC background), but I never had a ghost warning nor did I ever notice a ghost following me - probably a function of ADSB-OUT anyway. I am loving the 720 with the SkyGuard TWX. You have done a very good job of integrating these two units. I am looking forward to seeing the display of TFRs from the ADSB data stream in the future, too. On my next flight I plan to actually contact ATC, get a discrete squawk code, and see how well the 720-SkyGuardTWX plays "in the system." Thank you very much, Walter, for all the continuous improvement you have engineered into the iFlys. It just works so well and is so easy to use and is chock full of useful features. ====Ralph
By the way, someone else reported hearing a transceiver tranmitter ping from the SkyGuard TWX. I am not hearing anything like this at all. It must be a function of where his gear is located in the airplane or perhaps how his audio is grounded.