I just posted comments about ADSB weather in the General Forum - not a bad signal, but NO signal at all. And yes I was getting traffic so my ADSB receiver was working and talking to IFLY correctly. Just no TIS-B signal.
I think we all have had enough problems and have enough experience with ADSB weather to declare it a failure. I do not trust it; don't believe it is a reliable system and will not use it in the future for cross country flights.
I have received a letter from the government because my ADSB out signal "disappeared" for fifteen minutes. To whom do I send a letter when their
ADSB weather signal disappers for over an hour - or more?
For me - the solution is a Garmin GDL-51 and XM weather. Now we need IFLY to be able to display XM weather on their app.
Rodney Wren