K3IT wrote:
Should i submit a bug report with the adsb log?
Yes, you should. The AP folks are busy and they usually take some time off for the holidays, so I don't know how much attention this will get...but it will likely get about zero if you don't send them some data to actually work with. Even if they acknowledge your comment, there's no way to know what happened and give you any decent answer without looking at data. So, all roads lead to: Give them the data.
I think the "ghost" setting on iFly only pertains to filtering out your ownship...I don't think it has any effect on other traffic.
Does your airport have an ADSB tower on site or close by such that you get reception in the pattern? I wonder if you were getting both the direct ship-to-ship transmissions from your company in the pattern, plus the rebroadcast from the ground.