From an email they sent out last night:

skyBeacon receives its TSO Authorization!
STC and Shipping expected mid-Sept
Screw ADS-B... on your CERTIFIED airplane!
Certifying avionics is no joke. But, to paraphrase Teddy Roosevelt, anything easy isn’t worth doing.
When we launched the effort to certify an ADS-B solution, we did so enthusiastically, but also with a bit of naivete. Instead of choosing a traditional form factor, we saw the opportunity to specifically address the issue of costly installations and the bottleneck the industry is facing in available shop times. In doing so we were faced with engineering challenges and certifying a device of a complexity not previously attempted by our own team, but also unlike anything seen before on an aircraft.
The fact that we decided to combine the functionality of the ADS-B transmitter with position lights, anti-collision lights, a barometric altitude pressure sensor, AND our OWN purpose-built GPS (didn't plan that one at the start) – and certify the whole package with not 1, but a total of 5 TSOs – that went beyond naivete into a little bit of crazy.
But blending an array of complex microelectronics and radio devices into an ultra-miniaturized waterproof enclosure, while confronting the harsh environmental and electrical conditions faced outside an aircraft, has forced us to elevate our game like never before.
It took a little longer than we expected, but we're wheels down! The addition of the barometric altitude sensor did cause a slight delay, but after consultation with the FAA - we felt it was an important addition to ensure we provide accurate altitude data regardless of radar coverage.
Not only has a special product been created, but a path for bringing similarly innovate and cost effective technology to aircraft has been drawn. Now that we've cracked that nut, we've caught the bug, and we have big plans in our certification roadmap. You can be sure that a certified tailBeacon is not far behind, as well as some cool certified solutions for unmanned systems. We can't wait.
A few more details on some questions we are sure you may have:
5 TSOs? I thought skyBeacon had 4?
Good catch! In addition to ADS-B (TSO C154c, Class B1S), GPS (TSO-C145d, Class Beta 1), Position Lights (TSO-C30c, Type I), and anti-collision lights (TSO-C96a, Class II) – skyBeacon now contains its own barometric altitude sensor certified under TSO-C88b. Why does this matter? The addition of an altimeter allows skyBeacon to provide pressure altitude to surrounding traffic and ATC regardless of the radar coverage. The addition of the sensor allows skyBeacon to be eligible for installation in aircraft already equipped with Mode S transponders.
The takeaway is that skyBeacon benefits for improved performance, compliance, and is now compatible with even more aircraft.
What about the STCs?
Concurrent with TSO design and production approval, we have been completing STC activities for both Cessna high wing and Piper low wing aircraft. We expect STC approval within just a couple of weeks, at which point we will begin shipping to those that have pre-ordered. Once the initial STC is approved, installation on other aircraft types can be quickly and easily approved as a minor alteration.
We have produced a full set of FAQs on our skyBeacon page, check them out!
Thank you again for your patience, stay tuned for follow up installation on the STCs and on tailBeacon!
The uAvionix Team