Thanks for viewing this thread, Dave.
The only way I could do that was to log on to the FAA site and download a report of what was "seen" by the system. I did this on my very first TAILBEACON flight and everythign PASSED first time out...I am attaching all that documentation in case that might help you.
I am not sure of gettting to the info you are speaking of in flight...though I will ask around and seek some advice. Our TAILBEACON system is so simple and minimalist that I do not think we have that capability or capacity right now. I did try to toggle through the pages and see if I COULD see anything different - attached is a photo of the STATUS page I took that day - does this give any indication? I believe it is ONLY showing ADSB IN data, but perhaps someone else might discern it differently?
I would think that in the future, iFly or another EFB company might consider having a "ADSB OUT STATUS PAGE" somewhere so that you KNOW the system is working as advertised.
To your point, my biggest fear now (with ADSB) is that I will fly into Washington, DC for work (INSIDE the SFRA and INSIDE the FRZ...aka "Circles of Doom") and for some odd reason, the ADSB OUT does not work when I go to depart...that would mean the airplane would be STUCK there.
So, does this imply that ATC (TRACON and all Class B, C, and D Towers) have a ASBS readout? I don't know, and I don't know HOW they would verify my device was working while I was taxiing on the ground. With the TRANSPONDER, they were only able to pick up my squawk at around 300 AGL on departure....
You raise a really good question - let me know if you find anything out. I have only had my ADSB OUT for weeks now, and am still learning new ways to use it with my STRATUX ADSB IN and the magnificent iFly as my EFB.
Regards, Mike N714AJ