Okay, first, I admit that I goofed up in my flight planning on Tablet #2. But perhaps this highlights something that would have otherwise gone unnoticed?
I was returning from the Grand Canyon airport to DVT. On the way up, we stopped at Clark Memorial (CMR) for (cheap) fuel. I had set up Tablet #1 with the full course, with two waypoints showing Landing. But Tablet #2 only had the leg to CMR, because FSS won't let you file a flight plan with two landing airports in it.
When we left GCN, I reversed my Flight Plan on Tablet #1 and deleted Clark. I didn't fire up Tablet #2 until after take off.
So, about 10 minutes into the flight home, I woke up Tablet #2. No course line from GCN to home. "No problem," I thought. "I'll just go into the Flight Plan page and go Direct to my TFR waypoint."

Here's what I got:

Which of the two course lines is the "correct" one?
Should there be more than one course line from my present position Direct to Waypoint 2?
(It turns out that the line on the right is the right one. The one on the left is from Clark up to my present position.)
I thought that this was aberrant behavior, in that, if I zoomed out and tapped and held on the TFR waypoint and then hit Direct, I would get one line from present position to the Waypoint. (Isn't that how it used to work? Or maybe if you did a direct from Text Serach in Main Menu?) But it still connects the dots and shows a line from CMR to my present position.
Also, in all of this, I noticed that the "Restore previous Flight Plan" has been moved to where the "Clear" button was. (That is, the button state changes, depending on what you've done with your flight plan. It used to be (and I thought still was sometimes) that you got a line of text under your Flight Plan offering to Restore to Previous.
I didn't expect a button state to change, so never looked at the Clear button (until now) to see that it changed to "Restore." Perhaps two separate buttons would be better? (If room allows on smart phones in Portrait.)
P.S. I just did some testing. Yep, under some circumstances, an orange "Previous Plan" button will pop up at the bottom of the Flight Plan page. I suggest that this be the only button that pops up to restore your previous plan. (As opposed to the "Clear" button changing states.)