Brolin McKay wrote:
Sure enough, no transition.
Granted, I've only done IFR ground school so this is me trying to remember everything, but we have transitions for the first two approaches, just not VOR.
AFAIK VOR approaches are that you tune NAV1 to the VOR and hold that radial - would it make sense that it wouldn't necessarily have a transition point if it's an omnidirectional beacon? .
No. By far, most VOR approaches, even the simplest ones have transition points - even if it's just the IAF where they begin. And the one we are discussing has three. Here they are on the chart as well as as they appear in a GNS430 when selecting the approach. It's obviously a database issue but unless iFly is using a Jepp or Garmin database, it's probably not caused by iFly. (Am I correct that iFly uses the FAA's Coded Instrument Flight Procedures (CIFP) database?