ErgonomicMike wrote: On "No Alerts": I just ran a sim the other day with 9.8.8 and I got the "Leaving Class D Airspace" as I've squawked before), even tho I have that Alert disabled. Perhaps v10 has fixed this.
No fixes to this have been made in v10. Are you able to reproduce this using the Simulation mode? I am not. Whenever I Disable Terrain/Traffic and set all Airspace Alert modes to "No Alert", I get no more squawking/dinging sounds, nor do any alert boxes pop-up. However, note, you will see the "Alert" button pop up for collision alerts, but it shouldn't make any sounds.
If you are hearing any alert squawks with all of these alerts disabled, this is a bug. If you can reproduce this issue, please do so, and Send Bug Report. I'd like to get this fixed for v10, if this bug exists.