OTA Version 7.1.1 was just released for the Nexus 9.
This resolved the screen issues that I was having.
Going forward, at some point in time, within a year I would suspect, the Nexus line of tablets will not be supported for upgrades. Google is moving forward with their Pixel C line and then something else as they take advantage of new tech.
When the next release of iFly is made available, and if determined to not be compatible with my existing configuration, I would like to have the option of returning to the last version that worked on my setup instead of forcing me to upgrade hardware.
What I'm asking is how/if previous versions, up to X number of years will remain available. My choice to live with the older version or upgrade hardware to take advantage of new features/bug fixes.
There is no way to dertimine compatability of my system unless I download, try it, and then want/need to go back to the last known working version. Can you let me me know if and how you would support this?