My single-band (978 MHz) receiver rarely showed traffic. My new dual band (978 & 1090 MHz, receive-only) shows lots of traffic. Even if you have ADS-B out, you won't see all traffic because there are lots of aircraft without transponders, and these aircraft will still be out there in class E & G after 2020. I don't plan to get ADS-B compliant until the market adjusts prices and selection a little bit, and I didn't want to spend almost half the cost of a certified OUT system for an uncertified OUT system. Besides, when the time comes to get compliant, the cheapest route to compliance is an OUT only system which will be fine with me because I already have an IN system that works great. That's just some of the logic I used to select my current ADS-B box. That and the thickness (thinness) of my wallet. So again, my advice is to spend as much as you dare, knowing that unless it's certified you'll be spending a whole lot more in the next few years If you want to be 2020 compliant.