Anybody using this with a NavWorx UAT? Pireps?

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HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsiFly GPS for An...iFly GPS for An...Anybody using this with a NavWorx UAT? Pireps?Anybody using this with a NavWorx UAT? Pireps?
New Post
2/12/2015 10:25 AM
Looks like NavWorx is about to release a super-affordable UAT for experimentals with internal WiFi built in, I'm presuming its WiFi protocol will likely be the same as their current ADS600-B with that unit's external WiFi module. Is anybody using the iFly GPS on an Android tablet, preferably a Nexus 7 2013, with a current NavWorx UAT system that could offer a quick pirep?
New Post
2/12/2015 10:49 AM
Why are you assuming the new PADS-B is only for experimental aircraft...other than that it is a portable?

I was hoping it could be used in real airplanes too :-)

It looks interesting in that it is a lot more elegant and less hassle factor than the other portable ADS-B out option. I guess my question is how would iFly interact with the PADS and other ADS-B In solutions (e.g., iLevil) that provide position, weather, traffic and AHRS, i.e., redundant data?
New Post
2/12/2015 11:20 AM

I don't think he is talking about the PADS portable unit. I believe he is talking about the new ADS-600-EXP that is specifically designed for the Experimental and LSA aircraft that meets the 2020 FAA Mandate. It's on NavWorx website listed under Experimental Transceiver Models. It says it's capable of meeting the mandate, but I think that is still going to require a "WAAS GPS Certified Position Source", which would add substantially to the cost. Should be an interesting unit to keep an eye on.

Shane Woodson
Vice President | Adventure Pilot LLC.
New Post
2/12/2015 12:39 PM
I am talking about their ADS600-EXP unit (aluminum box that mounts inside the aircraft with screws). $699 if you order one before the March 1st release date and $799 after then. Being a cheapskate pilot, this is a very enticing deal for me right now. If I buy early and get the discount, that $100 savings would more than pay for a year's subscription to iFly GPS :D
New Post
2/23/2015 9:46 PM

Navworks told me that the EXP version is a WAAS.

Sadly, no mention of AHRS.

HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsiFly GPS for An...iFly GPS for An...Anybody using this with a NavWorx UAT? Pireps?Anybody using this with a NavWorx UAT? Pireps?