iPad Mini 6 owners:
Have you found a problem with any of these three Instruments:
- ADSB Status
- G-Load
- Altimeter (Indicated Altitude) The name on the instrument itself is "Ind.Alt"
Adding and then touching any of these three instruments causes my iPad Mini 6 Cellular Version to crash instantly. The crash is so fast that there's no trace of it in the log. This doesn't affect my iPhone Xs Max or an old iPad --only my two-month-old Mini 6 with the GPS and cell hardware.
AP hasn't been able to duplicate the problem and doesn't have a Mini 6 to experiment with. We don't know whether this is limited to MY Mini 6, or affects others, as well.
So I wonder if you'd be willing to try an experiment with your iPad Mini 6 (either version).
1. Add one of those three instruments to an Instrument Group. (Inst Group > Customize > Add Instrument. "ADSB Status" should appear at or near the top of the list (unless it's already added). Tap ADSB Status, then "Add". The new instrument should appear in the center of the display. Save the instrument group with a new name, such as "adsb status test" or some other name you'll recognize later.
2. Then wiggle the screen with one finger to be sure iFly is still working. Finally, tap the ADSB Status instrument (still in the center of the display) and try wiggling the screen again. If it doesn't move, iFly has crashed. Close iFly by swiping up from the bottom and then up off the screen. Restart iFly and immediately tap Inst Group > Customize, then tap the offending instrument and Delete it. Finally, delete that "test" instrument group or save it with the "test" name.
I have done this test many, many times, and every time have been able to close iFly and re-start it and delete the offending instrument--so I don't think it's a dangerous test.
Please reply to this post with your own results and experience.