Hi, I've owned a 720 for 3 weeks and I've had similar, and worse, problems with the touch screen. Frequently in map mode when I touch the menue button, the mode button activates. Almost impossible to navigate the menues or even exit the application without powering down. I have recalibrated the touch screen dozens of times...some times it helped...too often NOT. But this morning, I think I've figured it out! (so far so good in 3 hrs of intensive scrolling thru menues). Previously I'd been callibrating the touch screen with my finger tip or a 8mm soft rubber stylus (designed for a notebook). This morning I calibrated with the smooth plastic tip of a cheap ball point pen (1-2mm). So far, everything responds perfectly! Yes, the touch screen is hinky. There are many forum posts by folks with problems like ours. But try the small smooth plastic pen cap callibration. I'm confident the iFly folkes are working on a better fix.
Gerry (DABR)