Steve Melton wrote:
it the first panel dock to be printed that I am aware and has features that are unmatched. TAZ6 printer...... and NOT made in China. this panel dock will outlast the GPS many times over. clamping stresses are low. I have good experience with these levels.
Steve, your printed dock looks very good. I'd go for one immediately, except that there's absolutely no room for it in my SeaRey's panel, which I built in the steamgauge era and have upgraded several times, adding more junk each time, but without the clean rebuild it needs. I've managed to squeeze a 740 in there, but only by using parts from a RAM mount bolted to the underside of the glareshield. Removing and replacing the 740 is a bit fussy, but it works and doesn't need any more space that the 740 itself does.
I mention this not to cut into your sales, but only for people who, like me, simply can't find room for your mount.

That aluminum strip across the bottom is a rest, mainly to damp any vibrations in the RAM mount, but also to allow room for the power and USB connectors. (Newer Seareys have a taller panel; but I'd rather fly the thing than rebuild it.)