Don Maxwell wrote:
Dan Miller wrote:
Beta tester. planning trip from 57GA to Lakeland for Sun and Fun. NO ADSB. Real Plan takes me direct to Lakeland and through the 30mile Mode C veil of Tampa Airspace. As I understand, we will not be able to fly to Sun and Fun this year without ADSB in our electrical system aircraft, without wavier (which is very unlikely I told). I do not believe the Real Plan is working 100% yet.....Cannot fly in the 30 mile mode C veil of class B airspace without ADSB? Please plot 57GA to Lakeland and confirm that Real Plan plots through the Tampa Airspace.
As I understand it, RealPlan ignores your "Avoid" criteria for the destination airport (and probably for the departure airport, too)--because if it didn't, it couldn't plan the flight.
This is correct. Because you're targeting an area inside the Mode c veil, we're going off the assumption you have a waiver. You'll avoid all the other airspaces, but for lack of a better description, you gave us one parameter to "break" for ads/b