skyBeacon Is useless if you have no transponder. Right?

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HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsiFly General Di...iFly General Di...skyBeacon Is useless if you have no transponder. Right?skyBeacon Is useless if you have no transponder. Right?
New Post
10/18/2018 2:18 PM

"...Used transponders that would work are always for sale .."

Thanks for that reminder Mike. I didn't know the used prices got down that low. I'd probably have to add about $200 to that to have the avionic guy install and certify it So,. Might do it at some point. Issue remains though of not a square inch left in our basic LSA's panel.... bit of a puzzle where to put one, unless we paid a big prenium for one of the tiny ones.

Thing is, I never fly in airspace above class-D, so not required to have a transponder or ads-B ... Just wanted to be more visible and had hoped that even without a transponder ads-B out would do that and even let me use flight following. I think point of my post in part was, incase someone else had that hope (ads-B out useful without a transponder) not to hold their breath waiting for that.


New Post
10/18/2018 3:57 PM

If you are flying in a radar coverage area, others with ads-b will still see you on their display, as atc radar is re-broadcast to them. This will happen even if you don't have "out". But outside of radar coverage, you'll be blind to everyone. 

New Post
10/18/2018 4:07 PM

"If you are flying in a radar coverage area, others with ads-b will still see you on their display, as atc radar is re-broadcast to them. This will happen even if you don't have "out". But outside of radar coverage, you'll be blind to everyone"


Thank Greg.

I think I knew that. That (showing up on other's ads-B displays when in radar sweep) is a benefit to us avionically impaired flyers. And good to at least know when I'm unseen..

HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsiFly General Di...iFly General Di...skyBeacon Is useless if you have no transponder. Right?skyBeacon Is useless if you have no transponder. Right?