I have a 530, 430, GTX 345 and a Flightstream 210. I'd be happy to sell the Flightstream because I would not be happy to switch to Garmin Pilot just to be able to upload flightplans! On my 10" Samsung Tab S, a great tablet for easy IFR plate display, Garmin Pilot has locked up and aborted to desktop several times, even in the latest version. I always send a bug remark saying "release your GDL code to iFly because it never locks up! Does Garmin publish beta software???" When my free Pilot trials end, they won't be getting any money. I won't switch to Foreflight either, because the iPad is garbage hardware compared to the Tab S!
So here's hoping iFly can induce Garmin to release the GDL format code, and if not, I have a Flightstream for sale!