I have been paying special attention to the accuracy issue claimed about my Navworx.
1st I have found that when I see target triangles coming near me I should look at the very tip of the triangle for the most accurate position of the traffic.
2nd I find that there is as much as a 10 second delay in the accuracy of the position of airliners broadcasting on 1090. Since they can be traveling at an excess of 250 mph, that delay is a potential danger. This is most likely caused by the fact that Navworx only receives 978 (UAT). This means airliner info is not coming directly to my aircraft system, but has to be rebroadcast from a ground station.
3rd General aviation aircraft that don't have ADS-B out and just a transponder have as much as a 5 second delay. For instance if they say they are turning crosswind to downwind and are in sight it takes 5 seconds for the target on my phone or tablet to show that turn.
4th Aircraft with ADS-B out have only a one or two second delay. My wingman and I both have OUT and find this to be so.
Since there are delays, depending on the above scenarios, I expect that as everyone gets on board with OUT systems this delay may get worse. Hope not.