Chris Schulte who appears to be a 2 year veteran of the FAA office working on software acceptance: "I am vehemently opposed of ANY degradation to the NAS. Once this occurs we will not be able to recover. Any and all automated transmission into the NAS must be controlled to TSO standards. The integrity of future safe flight depends on this. My fear with this AD and any AD is they are not required for Experimental - Homebuilt Aircraft.
... and therein lies my confusion! Experimental aircraft are not required to comply with AD's. This apparently is an AD against an avionics unit that one model of which is installed in Experimental aircraft. If the AD is finalized and approved, can or cannot the AD be ignored by those with Experimental aircraft???
(Of course, I hope all this is theoretical and am confident that NavWorx will either get this resolved with the FAA or do a revision mod to get their units compliant should the AD stand!)