Trouble with flash drive update - iFly General Discussions

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HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsiFly General Di...iFly General Di...Trouble with flash drive updateTrouble with flash drive update
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4/21/2011 9:29 AM

Hello, I just started having trouble updating my unit with the flashdrive. The message says "The USB flashdrive has not been detected," however the LED on the flashdrive is illuminated. I have tried two different drives with the same results. I know my trial subscription is close to expiration, but I seem to get the update from the website just fine. My serial number last 4 digits are 0027 and I'm using Version 5.08. Thanks for your help and great product.

New Post
4/21/2011 10:49 AM

Mr Surrat,

I've confirmed your subscription is current and all els checks out well. Are you inserting the USB with the power on or off. You may try allowing a few more seconds, maybe 10 seconds after you plug the USB in. Some USB drives take a bit longer to be recognized. I would also recommend either calling in and asking for Ed, we can runs some capatibility and test with your USB drive and to confirm the process is correct. Please call 888-200-5129 and ask for Ed or email as we want to protect your privacy and not relay any personal information through the forums.

I am sorry you are having this issue. I've seen it a few times and it seems to be a compatibility with USB drive or delay in recognition. Easy to resolve. We look forward to our call or email.

Shane Woodson
Vice President | Adventure Pilot LLC.
New Post
4/23/2011 11:11 AM

For what it's worth, I've noticed that my iFly always successfully detects the USB drive if I insert it with the power off. Powering on the iFly with the drive already inserted leads to a prompt to update.

If I insert the drive with the iFly turned on and "Check for Updates" using the menu, the iFly fails to detect the drive and will eventually time-out.

If you're not already inserting the flash drive with the power off, it might be worth trying.

New Post
4/24/2011 1:12 AM

Thanks Shane and Chris, Plugging in the USB Drive before power up seems to work every time. Thanks again for the help! Keaton

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