When I became a pilot over 47 years ago we used ADF, paper charts, dead reckoning, VOR, and paper approach plates. Pilot skills and good judgement were the keys to situational awareness. When Loran C became an accepted part of general aviation panels it was placarded with "not for primary navigation." When other handheld GPS companies marketed WAAS enabled equipment they did not do so with the intent of circumventing FAR's. It was in response to market demand and based upon the assumption that pilots will adhere to the FAR's and continue to use good judgement. I was one of the early Ifly700 customers. I now have an Ifly720. I agree that both units are adequate for situational awareness, just as paper charts, dead reckoning, ADF, and non-electronic or geo-referneced approach plates had been. That said, I believe that adding WAAS capability will make the Ifly even better. In the final analysis, pilot judgement is the key to situational awareness. Therefore, there is no need for Walter to "stay up at night with the cold shivers."