I get wind speed and direction from my Dynon D10 and it is one of the most valuable features. I find it amazing how quickly the winds change when I fly cross country. Sometimes the difference can change from a tail wind to a head wind in a couple miles. It even shows how much of the wind is crosswind component. I wouldn't be without it.
IFLY doesn't provide it, but you can get a pretty good estimation by comparing your heading and track to determine direction and then compare your TAS with your ground speed to get the wind speed. Of course, you could have winds from your 3 or 9 o clock position and not see a significant difference between TAS and ground speed, but comaring you heading and ground track you'll still know the direction.
OccasionallyI use the method above to check the accuracy of my Dynon indication.
Anolther useful feature is active glide ratio. I've asked Dynon to see if they can provide glide ratio while I wait to see if IFLY can/will do it.
As a new user you will find many useful features in IFLY and this forum is a good source for any questions you may have to get the most use from the app.
John M