I don't know whether to post this in the Pictures & Feedback or here in General Discussions.
I tripped across a problem with an IFR Departure Procedure the other day. It's not a "bug," per se. Just an incorrect depiction of a procedure.
(I don't know if iFly staff manually hand-checks every plate in existence for things like this.)
As you can see from the screen shot below of the FAA's IAP, after you take off from RWY 6R at RYN, you fly to the ZILIG INT, and then you make a RIGHT turn so as to fly over the field (no obstacles there) to the NW to ALMON.
However, iFly's depiction shows a LEFT turn.
That could conceivably put you close to terrain.
There is a Warning/Disclaimer in iFly that these depictions are only advisory.
Be sure to cross check with the paper chart.