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7/16/2020 12:20 PM
FlyingMonkey wrote:


Don, I appreciate your response, it was friendly.  Thanks!

But I did not "blow my top" on the FB group.  I pointed out what I thought was a safety issue that other pilots should be aware of, and voiced my frustration at getting no response from AP.  Right or wrong, yeah I get frustrated when I point out something I consider a safety of flight problem and the company involved just doesn't respond.  It appears that AP didn't get the support request I sent them, even though their web form said "email successfully submitted" so I assumed (rightly, I think) that was the case.

Frankly the response I got from that post was embarrassing for the community.  NOBODY other than Brolin tried to offer any suggestions or help.  The sum total of the comments were questions if I was a new pilot, and direct or veiled insinuations that I was a terrible and unsafe pilot, apparently because I expected alerting features to work.  Somebody even said the picture I posted looked like it from from a flight sim and not real.  Mmmkay.  "it's only for situational awareness" and "you're dumb to rely on obstacle/traffic alerts" are paraphrases of some of the comments.  It then progressed into expectations that I'd be in the papers as a smoking hole in the ground -- real nice, guys.  So I deleted the post. 

I do NOT expect 100% reliablility, and I know how to look out the window.  I've been doing it all across the USA for well over ten years now, and more than half of that time didn't involve obstacle databases or traffic alerts.  In training I did my cross country flight and checkride without a GPS in the airplane.  I'm not gadget-dependent. 

But the alerts on this 740b unit are *nowhere* near as accurate as the 13 year old 496 I replaced.  Does that seem like an "upgrade"?  If we're not supposed to at least reference these features, why do we spend money on them?  Why does the FAA mandate ADS-B?  Why do they want to use it in preference to the terminal radar systems for NEXRAD?  Are these features not part of the safety picture at all?  If not, why hang out on FB groups or forums dedicated to these systems??

The answer I'm getting from Brolin at AP is that this is working as designed.  Even though I have the "planned airports" option selected in the "disable alerts when approaching..." setting, the unit will *still* disable alerts if you are at 1000ft AGL over airports, even over private grass fields like I was in the video I posted.  It assumes you are landing  This does not seem like behavior most pilots would expect, but it's AP's product and they can set it up however they like.  But it's a no-go for me and my type of flying.  I spend 60% of my time in the local area at 1000ft AGL or so flying to small, challenging grass strips.  A system that turns off alerts in those circumstances might as well not be in my airplane.

And we have not even begun to address the air-to-air traffic situation.  I flew a four hour trip at 5500-6500ft with another airplane, and did not see him on ADS-B the entire trip, in spite of the ADS-B reporting "receiving" as a status.  He saw me the whole way on his Garmin gear. 

One of the forum members suggested I put my airplane's hex code in my Startux and disable ghost traffic filtering.  I did that, and the pictures I posted in this thread show the results.  I flew for 1.5hr with two other airplanes at distances of 0.1nm to 2nm.  I never once saw them as traffic targets (though I saw other targets).  My friend with a 720 in his airplane also saw no targets.  The other airplane, with Garmin gear (different airplane than the one mentioned in the previous paragraph) saw us the entire time.  Other traffic alerting failures have been documented in the first post or two of this thread.  How many are related to the same alerting behavior as obstacles I don't know.  When targets don't even show up on the screen I'm guessing this is a different issue.

I was texting my friend with the 720 mentioned above about these issues, just asking him if he had seen similar issues.  His response:  "iFly alerts suck."  I'm not putting this in there to trash on AP or their products, I'm including it to show I'm not the only one having issues.  I was VERY excited to get the iFly 740b in my airplane -- great price, a big touch screen, lots of features, affordable subscription and updates, a small and responsive company.  I wanted to love this unit. But the sour taste left in my mouth by the combination of technical issues, and a community of ankle-biters who want to attack pilots instead of problems, is driving me back to Garmin.  My confidence is just not high in this unit.  If alerts don't work as expected, what else doesn't?  GPS position?  Airspace placement? I'm guessing a GDL-50 and Aera 660 or 760 are in my near future.


Hi Andy -

- So with regards to your OP - the last time you contacted us was Jan 20 of this year regarding an entirely different issue. 

- It did show an obstruction coming up and you continued into the airspace "ring" of the field you wanted to overfly at what appeared to be >500 AGL. I have already internally reported your experience as a possible bug. 

- Your ADS/B issue could be either of the following: 
1. An issue with alerts or ghost traffic filtering
2. An issue with your receiver
3. An actual softwre bug. 

With that being said, what receiver are you using?
Can you see other traffic?
Do you have viz settings/traffic alerts turned on?
Do you have the traffic layer turned on?


I understand you're frustrated that it might not be working how you thought it would, but I will make another ask to be respectful of other members whether or not they are on this forum or the fb group or any other gathering. All of the name-calling and responding to questions from other members to "not be stupid" is absolutely unacceptable. If you're unhappy with something, voice your opinion and I will move heaven and earth to make things right for you, but just like I said in your FB post, I will not allow any kind of disrespectful or demeaning behavior to any other community member on any of our forums. 

New Post
7/16/2020 1:07 PM

I'm using a Stratux receiver bought through AP. 

1) Yes, I see other traffic.  But it seems to filter out nearby traffic, especially if it's traveling in the same direction.

2) Yes, traffic alerts are turned on to alert within 7nm / 5000ft.  Traffic visibility is set to unlimited (yes, I see quite a few airliners, lol!)

3) Not sure what you mean by "traffic layer".  I see other traffic on the map, so I'm assuming it's on unless you direct me to something I don't know about.

Unless I'm misunderstanding ghost filtering, I don't think that's the issue.  My (probably incomplete) understanding is the ghost filter compares your GPS speed/position/movement to the set of targets in its ADS-B target list, and any that are too similar get filtered out, to prevent picking up "ownship" traffic alerts.  If I maneuver hard enough I can get the emergency "schwing!" noise alert, probably because the position data lags a bit too much for the ghost filter to realize it's me.  

As I mentioned, I had a 4hr flight with ghost filtering enabled, and didn't see the airplanes in my group.  Later I flew another flight lasting 1.5hr with ghost filtering turned off and my "ownship" hex code entered into the Stratux.  I did not pick up myself as a target (yay!), but still had the issue of not seeing the other airplanes in my group.  They weren't on the map at all, just like in my other flight, while I was seeing targets farther ahead (see the pic I posted, you can see an airplane 5.5nm ahead, but nothing else.  There were two other airplanes within a mile of me).

I would chalk this up to ADS-B system/tower issues, except that in both cases other airplanes in our flight with different ADS-B gear saw my airplane as a target the entire time.

And there is another issue, as I mentioned in the first post, of not getting audio alerts.  This *might* be related to the issue that caused the obstacle alert to silence.  I will see targets on the map, but get no audio alerts until they are close (usually 0.5nm - 1.5nm).  Ideally I'd like to keep my eyes outside and only glance at the screen if I get an audio alert.  But I don't really feel like I can do that, because airplanes often sneak inside the alert thresholds I've set in the 740b.  I have not noticed for sure if this always happens close to an airport or over a private strip, but I'll start paying attention now.

Another possibility is that the Stratux is either not seeing all the targets ADS-B is providing (could happen if a target list has a fixed size and gets overrun and "drops" some targets), or if it's just not passing them on to the iFly unit for display/alerting.  It might be helpful to look at the Traffic section of the Stratux webpage and compare to what targets the iFly is displaying on screen to get a sense of whether the issue is with Stratux or iFly (or something else).

Last word:  I'm happy to be respectful of others.  But if you think I've not been, I'd like an example.  I have not called names or used profanity on anybody here or on the FB group.  Pretty much every time I've gotten salty with others is when they have made snarky comments I was responding to.  I believe in treating people well, but I will certainly give back what I get from others too.

New Post
7/16/2020 2:30 PM

Okay, let's try these things first:

Are you sure you're connected to Stratux? 
Menu/about/connected devices

Is your Stratux working properly?
Should be seeing a solid green LED

What is your alert threshold for traffic?
Menu/setup/alerts and warnings/traffic alerts
FWIW I have everything checked, unlimited distance and vertical viz, and 5nm/+- 3500 ft 

Traffic layer is viewed through map mode/then going down to "Traffic" - there will be a number in parenthesis next to it showing you the traffic stratux is picking up. 

You will hear the chime from an alert that sounds like an airline chime.

I am getting ADS/B info sitting in my office in a metal hangar no issue, so you certainly should be seeing traffic with your device.

New Post
7/16/2020 2:49 PM
Brolin McKay wrote:

Okay, let's try these things first:

Are you sure you're connected to Stratux? 
Menu/about/connected devices

Is your Stratux working properly?
Should be seeing a solid green LED

What is your alert threshold for traffic?
Menu/setup/alerts and warnings/traffic alerts
FWIW I have everything checked, unlimited distance and vertical viz, and 5nm/+- 3500 ft 

Traffic layer is viewed through map mode/then going down to "Traffic" - there will be a number in parenthesis next to it showing you the traffic stratux is picking up. 

You will hear the chime from an alert that sounds like an airline chime.

I am getting ADS/B info sitting in my office in a metal hangar no issue, so you certainly should be seeing traffic with your device.



Several of these things I have verified, but next time I fly (probably tomorrow) I will check them all off to be sure.

New Post
7/16/2020 5:18 PM
FlyingMonkey wrote:
Several of these things I have verified, but next time I fly (probably tomorrow) I will check them all off to be sure.

Be sure to turn on ADSB logging.  If/when Brian or another developer digs into this, they'll likely need those data, along with times/descriptions of where you think targets should have been displayed that weren't.  

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