Hi Walter:
Hope you are doing well...healthwise. Staff is probably working from home..Right?
I flew with a friend in his 206 with Garmin again and loved the vocal traffic alerts. Can't see why there is so little interest. When we got an alert we both looked in the direction indicated. I guess I'm just parinoid after surviving a midair years before ADSB.
Since we already have vocal alerts for TERRAIN!...TOO LOW!....500... etc,
Much better than the current annoying sound alert that makes you look down instead of out. Another safety feature for IFLY.
Of course it could be disabled for those who cansider it TMI.
Have you seen my posts about SKETCH not working on my Android phoneand two tablets? Locks up IFLY and I have to clear all open apps to get out of IFLY app. Version 11.0.74
Also, touching SKETCH in the menu causes IFLY to close on Windows 10 laptop.
I don't see the need for SKECH so it is not an issue for me but my fiends with IFLY try to use it an can't.
John M