I embed my photos into the post I am creating...
Took me a while to figure it out so that others can just "see" them on the screen and not have to download anything else...I do see both sides of this issue, however.
The below two photos are of a synthetic vision view and actual view of mountains with towers on them.
To do this I had to upload each individually, and resize them - something folks are just not used to doing anymore, in a day and age where people can grab 4-5 photos and just throw them on a site that does all the re-sizing for them...
I guess I am used to it, so I can manage, but for a new person, I can see that it is not comparable to other social media sites.
I am GRATEFUL we can post photos as I know they take up a lot of space, which is why I always resize them to MUCH smaller to preserve site bandwidth.
Some photos ARE worth a thousand words! Thanks for allowing photos on the site!
Mike N714AJ