FlyingMonkey wrote:
I posted a thread on this before, but I'm still getting very late or missing obstacle warnings, even on the strictest setting. Yesterday I was flying home at sunset, and saw a tower several hundred feet taller than my altitude along my flight path. It was marked on the map with the double circle, but there was no alert box or audio warning. Curious to see how close the iFly would let me get, I continued on. I got the first alert at 0.9 miles, less than 30 seconds from impact at my airspeed and close enough I could see all the individual support wires. TOO CLOSE. In fact, I got the alert popup box, but never an audio warning. I confirmed audio alerts were enabled and set to an audible level.
I'd like an answer on this.
I'd love to answer you on this. Any chance you can fly it again with ADSB logger on? (i.e. do you have an ADSB device?) If so, re-run a similar test, make note of when it happened during your flight (how many minutes after take-off approx) -- then send me the ADSB log and I'll replay it, and see if I can reproduce it via play back.
To create an ADSB log, do the following:
1. Menu => About => Connected Devices => Wireless Device => [x] ADSB Logger (check the box)
2. On each restart of iFly answer the prompt to "keep ADSB logger enabled?" with a "Yes".
After you reproduce the issue in your next flight, then when you land, select "Menu => About => Send Bug Report => Select File => scroll down to where you find the ADSB Log with time stamp that corresponds to your flight".