So, I've been using iFlyGPS for a few years now and have been very happy with the features it provides and the progression of its capabilities. Every now and then I figure out or notice something that I hadn't paid attention to before.
I just noticed this today where the reason for MVFR is highlighted in blue:
And 10 miles or so to the South it's also MVFR but for a different reason:

And here's one that's IFR:

I'm always looking at the Green/Blue/Red/Pink dots on the sectional and using to that to see what's happening in my local flight area but don't often dig in to what the MVFR condition is. Usually just don't go flying when it's not green VFR. But lately we've been having a lot of fog and/or low clouds in the area and I've been anxious to get some time in the air, even if it's just to do some pattern work. Well, MVFR with vis of 10 miles but broken at 2,500 is just fine for that. MVFR with vis at 4 miles makes me think twice. Yes, I can decode it by hovering over the blue dot on Skyvector or reading the METAR in iFly and get the same info but this presentation is just that little bit clearer and informative, especially for the more fair weather / recreational type of flying I do. It's the little things that make this such a nice program to use.
Keep up the great work Brian and the team at iFlyGPS!