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New Post
9/30/2011 6:26 PM

Has anyone taken a look at some of the ultra-small unites for real cheap which are on the market like this one? 73 Euros for a USB receiver? would it work?

Just wondering...


New Post
10/1/2011 8:32 AM


I have looked into this one and many other low cost ADS-B devices. The issue is most of these are European based and only supports traffic as ADS-B is purely used for traffic outside of the US. These do not support Weather. Just be careful when internet shopping for the ADS-B, just make sure you ask or research to confirm the units supports the FIS-B and TIS-B protocol for the US. I hope this helps. The FAA is encouraging more makers of the ADS-B devices so there is no doubt going to be more competition in the future. Have a great weekend.

Shane Woodson
Vice President | Adventure Pilot LLC.
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