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9/10/2018 6:14 AM

I've been using the iFly GPS program on my Galaxy S2 for over a year, I have a Dynon mode S, ADSB out transponder, both 987 and 1090 in to the stratux, i fly in south florida so lots of traffic and airports. Lately, i get "out of range" or "tower idle" messages that i did not recieve in the beginning. I re-boot with the stratux ip address, even though it says connected. I re-connect with the iFly GPS feature. Not sure if this is fixing things, certainly not immediately, and sometimes the system starts receivning and I see traffic. I have the latest version of Stratux, been a couple months since re-installing/re-imaging. 


Pretty sure something is wrong and looking for your suggestions. 

Found that one of my stratux anntena had come loose. 

New Post
9/11/2018 3:57 PM


I am having the SAME problem up here in PA...and it is fairly recent, just like your issue.

I have a thread going below, in the ADSB section under "Rebooting in Flight" to address this.

So far no one seems to know. I have even photogrpahed the images and posted them for analysis  - so far, no explaination.

About the only thing I get back is "Re-flash the chip."  I am not so sure that is the answer....what is the problem?

Something has changed....just not sure what, but my ADSB Stratux is simply not nearly as reliable as it was before.


New Post
9/13/2018 8:58 AM

A friend, using the Stratux rasberry pi 3 is having the same issues on his Apple tablet. His tablet works OK when looking at the ADSB signal from my Uavionix ADSB and I can see the signal from his Stratus on my Android tablet, but he can't see the signal from his Stratux on his Apple tablet.

We think it has to do with the fact that his tablet shows a different IPA address than what the Stratux is set to use. 

My Uavionix allows me to have several different tablets looking at its signal by using a different address for each unit. I don't think the Stratux will do that and that may be the problem.

I will follow this thread to see what you all come up with.

John M

New Post
9/13/2018 11:07 AM

I forgot to mention I have a dedicated 12v supply and have battery saver off on the tablet

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