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5/17/2018 8:30 PM
John Miller wrote:

Avgas without lead or ethanol was supposed to be ready by 2018 from Swift Fuels and Shell. These are the only two that passed all the FAA tests.

Several years back I bought a used Rotax from a friend. It was loaded with lead deposits on the top of the piston and even in the exhaust system from running avgas100LL.

At this time, mogas just had MTBE instead of ethanol. I started running this fuel and within 3 tankfuls, all the lead was gone and the piston and exhaust were clean.

You can thank Archer Danials Midland for ethanol in your gas and high fructose corn syrup in your food. All it took was some lobbying ($$$$) of the farm belt representatives.

I could go on...

John M

So true, John.

Ethanol killed my tractor and generator...and almost killed my snow blower. I am now running AvGas in everything...more expensive to run, but far less expensive to rebuild and repair...

When we will wake up and realize we've been had?



New Post
5/18/2018 3:57 PM
Re: Mogas  Modified By Jim Brown  on 5/18/2018 4:01:07 PM

The Rotax 912 in my Vans RV-12 actually runs VERY well on Swift fuel.  A Rotax specialist recently recommended Swift to me as the preferred fuel for the Rotax.  I'd really like to specifiy Swift fuel as an option.

Jim B

New Post
5/20/2018 9:03 AM

Good to keep in mind the various octane ratings.

RON: Research Octane Number. Usually the higher number

MON: Motor Octane Number. Usually the lower number

AKI: RON+MON/2 As seen on your local gas pump when you fuel your car. Average of RON and MON.

John M



New Post
5/20/2018 8:17 PM

I run no-alcohol mogas in our C182 (with the STC) which I can buy from perhaps a fourth of the local gas stations in Oklahoma. It costs about $0.30 t- $0.40 more per gallon than contaiminated unleaded - the subsidy for alcohol in gasoline. Lobby your State legislature if you can't buy pure gas in your state . . .


I wish I could find it at airports when going x-country, but have never seen it near my routes.

New Post
6/4/2018 8:36 AM

San Carlos Airport in California has mogas. All I did is click on the airport box and it gave me the price and the fact that the airport has 100LL, Jet A, and Automotive.

You could try that...

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