The text below is from the sky radar web site. Could someone please tell me how does the FAA ground station wake up, and inform the ADS-B in our aircraft on to let us know about the potential traffic around? I am not familiar with the ADS-B and I am trying to learn about it by reading on internet and on this site, it seems that aside from the weather information which is always available, the traffic alert is not. To me the traffic alert is 10 times more important than weather, because I typically try to fly in fair weather. Could somebody please clarify the traffic alert portion. Specifically does traffic has to have an ADS-B device such as skyradar before we get to see and avoide each other? If yes I am better off with Zaon.
Also I am waiting to hear from IFly, as to how successfuly they have implemented the ADS-B on the Ifly receiver. We know it is suppose to be around the corner few weeks or so. Basically much more information on skyradar comptability with the IFLY is needed, and this information should come from IFLY staff directly. I will sign up to but it at $750.
Thank you
The SkyRadar ADS-B Receiver is an ADS-B IN device, meaning that it is capable of receiving ADS-B broadcasts from ground stations and other aircraft. It does not transmit any information about your aircraft's location or heading to ground stations or other aircraft. Currently, the FAA's ground stations only transmit traffic data when they receive an ADS-B transmission from an aircraft in the area. Since the SkyRadar ADS-B Receiver does not transmit data it does not "wake up" the ground stations to send traffic data, but it will receive broadcasts once the ground station has been woken up by an ADS-B transmitter in the area. Weather information is always transmitted by the ground station regardless of whether an ADS-B transmitter equipped aircraft is in the area.