Flight duration/timer issues??? Touchscreen issues?

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HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsiFly General Di...iFly General Di...Flight duration/timer issues???  Touchscreen issues?Flight duration/timer issues??? Touchscreen issues?
New Post
8/17/2011 3:41 PM

I have been wondering about the flight history issue as well. I was hoping there was a way to save and review past flights. I like the fact it shows your flight track while in the air, but would like to be able to review it on the ground.

I have had no issues with the flight timer, myself. It seems to work consistently. However, being busy in the pattern, I don't look at the flight duration until I'm on the taxiway, and by then it has gone to zero.


New Post
8/18/2011 6:54 PM
Oneniner wrote:

I have been wondering about the flight history issue as well. I was hoping there was a way to save and review past flights. I like the fact it shows your flight track while in the air, but would like to be able to review it on the ground.

I have had no issues with the flight timer, myself. It seems to work consistently. However, being busy in the pattern, I don't look at the flight duration until I'm on the taxiway, and by then it has gone to zero.


I have successfully downloaded my past flights to my computer and been able to get more detail than just the path shown on the iFly.

Check out this thread: http://ifly.adventurepilot.com/SUPPORT/Forum/tabid/108/forumid/8/threadid/679/scope/posts/threadpage/1/Default.aspx

You will have to be comfortable finding and copying flight data from your SD card and converting it for use with a 3rd party application.

HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsiFly General Di...iFly General Di...Flight duration/timer issues???  Touchscreen issues?Flight duration/timer issues??? Touchscreen issues?