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HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsiFly General Di...iFly General Di...iFly 740 BEEPSiFly 740 BEEPS
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9/28/2017 6:41 PM

Help!  My iFly 740 has taken to beeping at me: 10 beeps, then a pause for maybe half a minute and 10 more beeps.  Repeat.

But it only beeps when it's connected to airplane power.  It quits beeping if I unplug it, and it doesn't beep when connected to the car or the house current.

At least, I THINK it's the 740.  What else could it be, when that's the only gizmo in the airplane that's powered up?

I have system sound muted and the volume turned all the way down and all other alerts t urned off.

During the last two flights it kept up the beeping all the time, from master ON to master OFF.  I could hear it even in flight, despite a very good headset.  No, it's NOT coming through the intercom.  It's coming from the 740's internal speaker.  When I tried it today, it started beeping as soon as the 740 began powering up.

I'm probably just missing something simple and basic--but I sure am missing it! I hope someone can help.

New Post
9/29/2017 12:48 PM

Hah!  It wasn't the 740 after all. (Of course.) Instead, it was a spiffy looking USB charger plug thingie that I bought from Sporty's.  It has a very cool display of... yep, voltage. AND it beeps when it doesn't like the voltage. Pbbbbbt!  I still don't know what it doesn't like about my Searey's voltage, even when the master switch is off (corroded connection, maybe), but the cute little pluggy doesn't beep at all whe connected to any other battery or 12 VDC source. Anyway I replaced it with the plain, ugly little charger pluggy--$4.99 at CVS--that has never complained at all.

New Post
9/30/2017 12:30 AM
HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsiFly General Di...iFly General Di...iFly 740 BEEPSiFly 740 BEEPS