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New Post
9/13/2017 4:34 PM

Will the Merlin ADS-B receiver work with iFlyGPS 740?

New Post
9/13/2017 5:43 PM
The Merlin is nothing more than a stratux. You can get it $50 cheaper by buying it in the iFly store, and yes it will work with the 740.
Edit: I think the Merlin comes with an external battery, but you can also buy the same battery for much less than $50 so there is still a savings by buying from iFly.

Jeff Nokomis Clark, Mooney M20G, iFly app on ASUS ZenPad Z8s, ASUS ZenFone AR, ASUS Windows 10 tablet, Stratux ADS-B w AHRS
New Post
9/19/2017 5:56 PM

Good answer Jeff.  Here is the link:


Walter Boyd
President, Adventure Pilot
New Post
9/29/2017 1:44 PM

I see the shop text says no cable or internal battery. Are these necessary for the operation of the unit? I notice that, the Merlin GPS, though more expensive, has these as standard in their package.

New Post
9/29/2017 4:38 PM

The  Stratux power input is a USB Micro port, like most Android phones use.  Many folks have these cables already because the port is very common.  If you need a cable, they are easy to find in the $2 - $10 range (like these).

Power can be provided either by a battery (like this one) or by a cigarette lighter adapter (like this one).  Many folks have one or the other (or both) already available for use with other devices.

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