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New Post
8/15/2011 8:41 PM

Based on what I'd read in the forums, I'd expected version 6 of the software to be available by now. Any updates on how that's coming? (By the way, I appreciate you not releasing until it's ready.)

Jeff Carter

"Now go away or I shall taunt you a second time!"

Monty Python and the Holy Grail

New Post
8/16/2011 11:33 PM

From the SkyRadar group buy post:

Walter Boyd wrote:
Thanks Alberto. ADSB is in our version 6 release, which should be pushed to beta tomorrow (8/17)...but don't take that date to the bank! All dates are just estimates...the countdown can be stopped for many reasons. In fact it's stopped numerous times already working on this release. But we're close.

BTW, Adventure Pilot is not sponsoring this group purchase...this is strickly a bunch of iFly owners organizing themselves.


In a different post, Walter indicated that previous beta periods have typically lasted 3-4 weeks.

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